A Change in Meaning – Complexity in Astrology
In modern astrology as compared to traditional there is a change in the number of planets – you go from the seven in traditional to nine (or ten if you still count Pluto) modern planets. In addition, many modern astrologers also include various asteroids, dwarf planets and other significant points. This is not just a simple adding of a couple of points to a set. Changing the number of points changes how we perceive the whole set, how we work with it.

Update to “Solar Arcs: What They Are – How to Use Them”
Robert Glasscock’s special 3-Hour workshop on “Solar Arcs: What They Are – How to Use Them” presented for Kepler College on November 4, 2017 stirred interest and even controversy from illustrating solar arc techniques in Donald Trump’s and the United States’ horoscopes. Additional information, including dates for specific midpoints with a description from Ebertin’s book “The Combination of Stellar Influences,” is listed in a previous article. In this article, Robert continues to track his Solar Arc predictions and current events.

Review: Healing Pluto Problems by Donna Cunningham
In this truly remarkable text, Donna Cunningham treats her astrological readers to a new level of depth regarding this more modern outer planet. She also gives us a comprehensive examination of how Pluto can be experienced in its various permutations while also seeking to remediate possible harm through guided mediations and other methods that she specifically curates towards various Plutonian ailments.

Maya Angelou and the Victorious Personality
Originally Marguerite Annie Johnson, Angelou is remembered today as a poet, occasional playwright and actress who recited an original poem at Bill Clinton’s Inauguration in 1993, the writer of the classic autobiographical I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings that was published in 1970, and the source of many inspirational quotes that find their way on social media.

Dorothy Day: An Untimely Prophet
Dorothy Day was a Catholic pacifist and socialist who had an abortion. She has also been proposed for sainthood. From Pope Francis: “In these times when social concerns are so important, I cannot fail to mention the Servant of God Dorothy Day, who founded the Catholic Worker Movement. Her social activism, her passion for justice and for the cause of the oppressed, were inspired by the Gospel, her faith, and the example of the saints.”

Society as our Surrogate Family (the “Zodiac holding Trunk”)!
The polar opposite signs develop what we might call a “recompensatory process”. Thus, the sign of Capricorn in order to redress its lack of cancerian nurturing energies has developed a very particular “recompensatory mechanism” that I will explain below! If it didn’t possess that mechanism then we should call Capricorn a seriously flawed zodiacal sign!

A Strange Coincidence: Lubitz and Holmes
Natal charts are similar to fingerprints in that they are distinctive and personal, but there are chart themes that connect people by life experience across families and across cultures. Lubitz and Holmes share the all too common theme of loneliness in this busy world. The description of Lubitz as a loner with few friends and facing medical issues is eerily similar to the description of Holmes as “stubborn, uncommunicative and socially inept”.

Omens in the Stars: A Brief History of Babylonian Astrology
The roots of Western astrology can be traced back to the ancient people of Mesopotamia; the most detailed, surviving records of the origins of astrology are found in the archaeological remains of the ancient cities of Babylonia. Some of the oldest recorded astrological tablets date back to Babylonian civilization from 2400 BCE.

Esoteric Astrology, the Soul and Consciousness
Addressing Soul is the area for Esoteric or Soul-centered astrology. This is the type of astrology that answers, “what is my Purpose?” and, “why am I here?” as well as giving one the understanding of one’s place within the greater collective.

Big Picture: Know your Audience
You don’t need to have a marketing degree to run your emerging business successfully, or at least, set it up well. I would like to share with you some marketing tips that were proven to be successful for me and my growing astrological practice.

George Orwell: Relevant Again
There was nothing saint-like about George Orwell, yet his contribution to our culture is clear. He was not able to leave the world a better place than he found it, but instead told us how the world could become far worse. What of his positive personal qualities? Many will be apparent as you read about his life. It’s a remarkable event-filled life, worth examining and learning from.

Synodic Cycles and Their Developing Phases
Saturn returns to the Saturn/Uranus conjunction of 1988. In this article, Georgia Stathis helps explain how future events in this synodic cycle can be understood by looking at the unfolding of the past. (Excerpt from the new book: Pushing through Time)

Malcolm X and the Arc of History
Although the work of Martin Luther King has helped many blacks enter the middle class, the less-respectable Malcolm X has become more iconic for urban blacks and those lower on the socioeconomic ladder, for he was one of them. Later in his career Malcolm X was broadening his perspective and Martin Luther King was beginning to take on economic and international issues such as the newly minted War in Vietnam. It seems that both men were moving in the direction of a convergence, had they lived long enough.

On the Crown of the Scorpion : Ramana Maharshi ‘s death experience
Eclipses have always played an important role in human history. They have decided over battles, over the fate of emperors. In this article I will try to link an eclipse to an enlightenment event, of Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950), the great advaita teacher of India. More than 65 years after his death, he still is an inspiration to many spiritual seekers, in both the east and the west.

Follow-Up to “Solar Arcs: What They Are – How to Use Them”
Kepler College’s special 3-Hour workshop on “Solar Arcs: What They Are – How to Use Them” presented by Robert Glasscock on November 4, 2017 stirred interest and even controversy from its illustrations of solar arc techniques in Donald Trump’s and the United States’ horoscopes. In this article, Robert expands on some of the points made and shows how you can effectively use transits to solar arcs

Are You Writing for Astrologers or Astrology Clients?
Astrologers have different strengths and talents in our personal toolboxes. Some of us are researchers, others are expert coaches, counselors, and therapists, still others are philosophers and spiritualists, and some indeed are writers and published authors. Not everyone has the ability and skill to write proficiently, but writing and blogging has become increasingly important as a marketing tool in a successful astrology business.

The Astrologer’s Business Plan: Progressing Goals with Kepler College
At Kepler Astrological College students are asked, “What led you to astrology?” For me, it’s that it works so well and confirms my intuition. Still, transitioning from astrology student to professional takes a leap of faith. At Kepler, I observed working astrologers, tested a variety of techniques, and attained certification from the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) with the equivalency program.

Paradigm Within a Paradigm
Attempts to translate astrological symbolism into forms acceptable to Christians began in the early centuries of the Christian era. Leonardo Da Vinci painted his work “The Last Supper” in a time when correspondences between apostles and zodiac signs had been in circulation for well over a thousand years.

How Canterbury Would Die
“By what manner of death Canterbury shall die?” The question being asked is the frame of reference used to approach the chart. Canterbury is the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England. At the time Lilly cast the chart the Archbishop was fallen from power and in prison. The question was not, “Will he die?” but “How will he die?”.

“A Summary of Directed Angles and Primary Directions” by John Savarese
Primary Directions are an ancient technique for forecasting. It is based on the primary motion of the earth – its 360 degrees of motion over the course of one day. As the earth turns, each of the planets rise, culminate and set. John Savarese provides a summary of his books that explain the technique and the steps for calculation.

Lunar Nodes, Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node)’s Transits and their Effects on the Zodiac Signs
Vedic astrology (also referred to as Jyotish or Indian Astrology) uses the lunar nodes in a different manner than the Western tradition. Turkish astrologer, Senay Yangel, offers an example of how the transiting nodes could be interpreted. The sign refers to the sign on the first house. The houses are where the current transiting nodes (Nov 2017) will be found based on the Indian sidereal zodiac.

Donald Trump’s Birth Time Mystery
Prediction is tricky, whether you are an astrologer, an economist or the weatherman. You seek the best data you can find and use methodologies you trust to evaluate that data. In 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump published his birth certificate. But does it really list the correct time? Christine Arens takes us on an astrological detective story as she tries to find

Environmentalism’s Rise and Rachel Carson
As early as 1945 Rachel Carson had become concerned about the environmental being used as pesticides, although there were clear advantages of these chemicals for eliminating disease-causing insects and for increasing agricultural production. She had then written a short article that was rejected by Readers’ Digest. Many years later, after she had become a best-selling author and spokesperson for the global world of nature, her attention turned back to the subject of pesticides and their environmental and heath impact

Interview with Chris Brennan
Chris Brennan is a graduate of Kepler and the current the Vice Chair of the Kepler Board of Trustees. He recently released Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune and is the host of the award-winning Astrology Podcast.