Below is a collection of general astrological resources that you may find informative and helpful.
Please note: Kepler College is not responsible for the content on these pages. They are being provided for your information only.
Astrology Research.Net
The RGCSA is an independent research group, which has been set up to monitor standards of research in astrology and promote the use of sound scientific methods in empirical studies. The group aims to stimulate and facilitate the critical study of astrology as judged by the disciplines of social statistics, sociology, psychology, and cultural studies, and to provide the basis for inter-university and international collaboration on research into astrology.
Bartleby – reference books
This internet publisher has a large number of reference books along with literature and non-fiction titles, including Strunk's Elements of Style, Columbia Encyclopedia, Harvard Classics and poetry collections. The books in the main section are set up for online reading rather than download, although there are a significant number of free ebooks that can be downloaded in eReader formats.
Chinese Philosophical eText Archive
The archive is based at Wesleyan University, and gratefully acknowledges support from Wesleyan, the Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies, and the New England Council of the Association of Asian Studies. You will find three kinds of materials here: Electronic versions of Chinese philosophical texts created by the Confucian Etext Project; Electronic versions of Chinese philosophical texts from other sources, to some of which we have made minor improvements; and Information on and links to more information on the preparation and use of these texts.
Digital International Astrology Library (DIAL)
A Repertory of Ancient Astrological Works collected by Patrice Guinard, PhD
Encyclopedia Mythica
Please enter the award-winning internet encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion. Here you will find everything from A-gskw to Zveda Vechanyaya, with plenty in between.
Freemasons, Templars, Rosicrucians
This section contains books written from 1723 to 1924 about the various societies where esoteric knowledge was shared through specific "secret" socieities.
History of Astronomy Commission
This website contains latest news and reports as well as further information on the Commission‘s structure, Working Groups, aims, history, recent activities, etc, and archival materials and documents.
International Society for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture
Information on symposia and their journal
Skyscript Study Library – Online astrology texts
Skyscript has collected links to resources all over the web.
The Catholic Encyclopedia
Online version of a great resource. It proposes to give its readers “full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine.”