Update to “Solar Arcs: What They Are – How to Use Them”

Robert Glasscock’s special 3-Hour workshop on “Solar Arcs: What They Are – How to Use Them” presented for Kepler College on November 4, 2017 stirred interest and even controversy from illustrating solar arc techniques in Donald Trump’s and the United States’ horoscopes. Additional information, including dates for specific midpoints with a description from Ebertin’s book “The Combination of Stellar Influences,” is listed in a previous article. In this article, Robert continues to track his Solar Arc predictions and current events.
Follow-Up to “Solar Arcs: What They Are – How to Use Them”

Kepler College’s special 3-Hour workshop on “Solar Arcs: What They Are – How to Use Them” presented by Robert Glasscock on November 4, 2017 stirred interest and even controversy from its illustrations of solar arc techniques in Donald Trump’s and the United States’ horoscopes. In this article, Robert expands on some of the points made and shows how you can effectively use transits to solar arcs
Brussels Attack … and a Lunar Eclipse

In the hours after the brutal attacks on the innocent people in Brussels on March 22, 2016, I have been horrified, much as I was horrified by the attacks on the people of Paris in November 2015. This was, of course, no ‘ordinary’ attack, and was deliberately done to create maximum carnage and fear. Being an astrologer I was of course interested to see exactly what would indicate this. The first attack took place (by currently available reports) in their main airport shortly after 8:00 am local time. The second came approximately one hour later in their subway system. While we do not have the exact minute of the detonation(s), we can come very, very close.
The Perils of Prediction: Superbowl 50

What happens when your prediction goes wrong? Last month, Cynthia Withers presented a webinar where she walked the audience through an analysis of the game chart, the team charts, and the charts of the quarterbacks to make a prediction. The general conclusion: Carolina would win. The final outcome for Super Bowl 50? Carolina – 10 and Denver – 24
Madam President

In 2016, Former First Lady, past United States Senator, and recent Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is making a bid to be the Democratic Party’s nominee for the office of President of the United States of America. If successful, she will become the first female President of the USA. Herein is an examination of her natal chart, as well as attending relevant transits on election day.
The week of the Paris terrorist attacks: January 2015

By: Edith Hathaway The dramatic week of the terrorist attacks in Paris on the Charlie Hebdo offices and the Kosher grocery store, Jan. 7-15, 2015, closely coincided with eight days during which Mercury and Venus were in a Planetary War, with Venus (planet of politics) winning over Mercury (planet of speech) due to its superior […]
Astrology of the 2012 Election – A Traditional Look

By Joseph Crane An examination of the astrology of this Presidential campaign, using many difficult predictive techniques, is a complicated enterprise. Here are some of the things I have surmised from my investigation. Obama and Romney do not like each other or even respect each other; in fact they drive each other a bit crazy. […]
Prediction Techniques and the 2012 Election

By: Enid Newberg The daily countdown to the Presidential election has started in earnest. It’s the season of prediction, so of course astrologers are feeling right at home. Since the Presidential Panel in May at UAC 2012 to the latest commentary in blogs, newsletters and the Huffington post, astrologers have used a wide variety of […]