We are pleased to provide these curated video series from the Kepler College video library.
For additional videos, please visit our Youtube channel. There you will find presentations by Kepler instructors, students and invited speakers on a wide range of astrological topics.

Leaders in Astrology
This series highlights the best of the best! Interviews with current leaders in the field of astrology talking about the profession, their areas of expertise, and their experiences.

Let's Talk Astrology
Influential astrologers provide chart examples from various branches of astrology as well as showcasing Kepler College's wide array of classes, workshops, and webinars.

Black History Month
This series highlights astrologers of color in celebration of Black History Month.

Astrology Day
Astrology Day happens every year when the Sun enters Aries at the time of the Equinox. Kepler College prepares Astrology Day events with panels of top astrologers. We hope you enjoy these presentations.