Synodic Cycles and Their Developing Phases

Saturn returns to the Saturn/Uranus conjunction of 1988. In this article, Georgia Stathis helps explain how future events in this synodic cycle can be understood by looking at the unfolding of the past. (Excerpt from the new book: Pushing through Time)
Liberating Uranus and Aquarius (From Each Other)

A Quest for Coherence By: Joseph Crane This essay promotes the view that many astrologers within our lifetimes have correlated signs, planets, and houses in ways that have brought confusion to astrology and distorted their ranges of application. Here I would like to look critically at the modern affiliation of the sign Aquarius with the […]
Astrology’s Orderly Chaos

By: Joseph Crane Over the past few decades, “chaos theory” and “complexity theory” have emerged as new scientific models for understanding chaotic and/or complex systems. Chaos theory has grown out of physics and mathematics. Complexity theory has developed mainly from studying biological and human systems. These theories share a natural alignment with the spirit and […]
Astrology’s Future

By: Robert Glasscock CLICK HERE for the full 26-page article. Summary: With Uranus transiting Aries for the first time since 1927-1934, cookbook astrology would predict a New Birth of astrology’s relevance around the world by 2019. As with so many beloved astrological catch-phrases, “New Birth” is vague, generally applicable and perhaps ultimately meaningless in any […]
Pluto in Capricorn – The Ending of an Era

By: Rose Marcus Just as the rock that forms over great lengths of time, by the time the evolutionary journey has advanced to Capricorn’s third quarter position around the zodiacal wheel, the conditioning patterns and the realities it has created have crystallized to such a degree that consciousness is primarily resistant and largely impenetrable. At […]