Astrology’s Future

Astrology’s Future

By: Robert Glasscock

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With Uranus transiting Aries for the first time since 1927-1934, cookbook astrology would predict a New Birth of astrology’s relevance around the world by 2019. As with so many beloved astrological catch-phrases, “New Birth” is vague, generally applicable and perhaps ultimately meaningless in any informative sense.

Astrologers historically have enjoyed highlighting significant technological revolutions accompanying Uranus transits: Uranus’ archetype is considered synchronous not just with inventions and technology but with astrology itself.

Today’s interconnected Global Mind – the internet – renders the frequency of technological research, discoveries and inventions virtually continuous. Inventions equally as significant as the wheel, the printing press and nuclear reactors now occur annually if not daily. Epochal technological breakthroughs arise no matter Uranus’ transiting zodiacal position.

The day this article was written (January 8, 2014), the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory announced at the 223rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society that their new measurements support the idea first proposed by Albert Einstein – the “cosmological constant” – indicating that dark energy has remained constant throughout the history of the universe.
According to BOSS, the universe appears to be quite “flat.” Thus its shape can be depicted by Euclidean geometry.
“One of the reasons we care is that a flat universe has implications for whether the universe is infinite,” said physicist David Schlegel. “That means — while we can’t say with certainty that it will never come to an end — it’s likely the universe extends forever in space and will go on forever in time. Our results are consistent with an infinite universe.”
Just one discovery, one breakthrough of monumental historic significance, announced on one day.
More disquieting, given irrefutable evidence of accelerating technological advancements and uncontrolled human birth rates on Earth’s biosphere and all species is the existential question: How much longer can or will human civilization continue?

* * * *

Assuming humanity survives its overpopulation and pollution of Earth’s biosphere to actually see the Age of Aquarius, it may yet be productive for present purposes to assess astrology’s future from Uranus’ passage through Aries and its opening square to transiting Pluto. (Though astrologers dispute the International Astronomical Union’s definition of the 88 constellations, the established edge between Pisces and Aquarius technically locates the beginning of the Aquarian Age around 2600 AD.)

But it’s uncertain that humanity will survive to the Age of Aquarius; or, if it does, that astrology will have much to offer survivors. We are reaching peak agro, peak oil and – most precipitously – peak exponential growth of the human race. Recent presentations like these illustrate just the tip of the iceberg, speaking of melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels. . . . .

Nonetheless, it remains tempting for some to correlate underlying “essences” or themes of technological discoveries, breakthroughs, inventions and sociological movements with the signs through which Uranus passes. Those twelve ancient zodiacal sectors are nothing more (or less) than shorthand for cyclical seasons of Earth-Moon-Sun-Planetary relationships (“angles” and “aspects” in astrology) in Time and Space – through cycles of the Great Year (of about 25,800 years to complete one revolution of the precession of equinoxes around the ecliptic).

Can Uranus’ transit yet help astrologers forecast the future of astrology itself?

What Has Astrology Been? Where Is It Going?

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