
Is the Part of Fortune Misnamed?

By: Corinna Hurst The Part of Fortune is often in a very interesting exact degree aspect at significant points in people’s lives. This connection may seem obvious, but I am not convinced of its ‘fortunate’ nature. — Corinna Hurst Preface The author of this article, Corinna Hurst, is working toward her diploma in the Kepler […]

What I mean by the Professional and Personal practice of astrology

—a personal anecdote, by Robert Glasscock Somebody once said to me, resentfully: “You get everything you want, don’t you?” Now, that’s an interesting question and one I’d never thought about. I realized that, to this man, it seemed I DID get everything I wanted. But personally, I knew better. Without thinking, I replied, “No, I […]

Marvel Brilliant tackles “Do the Stars Impel?”

By: Marvel Brilliant Dear Marv: Please settle a long standing bet between myself and my mother; Do the stars Impel or Compel?  — Lazee in Leucadia Dear Lazee, If I only had a nickel for every time someone asks me this question… well, I’d have a lot of nickels! You would think this would be […]

On the shoulders of giants

By: Corina Hurst It has been said that we each stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. I know this to be true in my own life, and I know from my studies at Kepler College that it is also true in the field of astrology. Over the twelve months, I […]

Where’d that come from?

By: Enid Newberg I don’t know of any astrologer who doesn’t jump at the chance to learn more and increase his or her skills. I am certainly no exception to this rule. And this leads me to a pet peeve I have with many otherwise wonderful articles and lectures: I cannot tell where the information came […]

Can evil be found in the chart?

By: Enid Newberg The Professional Astrologers group on Facebook has had a fascinating discussion about whether or not you can identify evil in an astrological chart. The premises of evolutionary astrology bring up a similar question for me. I don’t think a chart can tell you that someone is evil or has a propensity for […]

Is Astrology a Profession or a Vocation?

By: J. Lee Lehman The definition of a professional has changed over time, particularly since WWII. Beginning in the 1950’s, fields that required significant education and were practiced primarily by upper middle class individuals, began developing educational standards and increasingly sophisticated certification programs. In those fields (for example, law, medicine or psychology) only those individuals […]