Mary Shelley – A Vedic View

By: Gordon Brennan The chart below is of Mary Shelley. The box at top right in the diagram is Gemini, her ascendant, and the signs of the zodiac and 12 houses run clockwise from there. In 1797 when Mary Shelley was born the difference in planetary positions between Western and Vedic Astrology was 21 […]
Mary Shelley: The Inventive Writer with a Lasting Legacy

By Bernie Ashman This short article is focused on the unique ability of Mary Shelley to tell a story with great imagination by thinking out of the box. She was born with her Virgo Sun sign in conjunction to the planet that triggers innovation, Uranus. It gave her a strong mind that did not fear […]
Mary Shelley’s Monstrosity

By: Walter Cambra The author of FRANKENSTEIN, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, depicted her monster with a male gender rather than a female gender. Was her gender choice for the monster motivated by the subliminal and dark side of her feminism? Examining Mary Shelley’s natal chart may reveal some clues in answering this question. Click here for […]
Is the Part of Fortune Misnamed?

By: Corinna Hurst The Part of Fortune is often in a very interesting exact degree aspect at significant points in people’s lives. This connection may seem obvious, but I am not convinced of its ‘fortunate’ nature. — Corinna Hurst Preface The author of this article, Corinna Hurst, is working toward her diploma in the Kepler […]
Testing A Rectification Method

By: Corinna Hurst Chart rectification can be challenging and different astrologers have advocated different methods. In the final class of the certificate, Moving the Chart in Time (W112), students have a chance to test different methods. Corinna Hurst, a student from the Certificate program, has volunteered to share her Week 6 assignment. Corinna started studying […]
Astrology of the 2012 Election – A Traditional Look

By Joseph Crane An examination of the astrology of this Presidential campaign, using many difficult predictive techniques, is a complicated enterprise. Here are some of the things I have surmised from my investigation. Obama and Romney do not like each other or even respect each other; in fact they drive each other a bit crazy. […]
Charles Dickens turns 200!

By: Joseph Crane Charles Dickens, the great novelist of the 19th century, has his “bicentennial” this month that is being celebrated across the world with parties, parades, readings; recently there have been many featured books and articles and blogs about this great literary man. He is known for many full-length novels such as Great Expectations, […]
Reading a Chart Using Hellenistic Methods

Here’s a chart example to demonstrate many of the major themes of the Hellenistic tradition of astrology. In this essay I refrain from outright interpretation and simply discuss how one would see a chart according to the Hellenistic tradition. I choose a person well known to many Americans as both or either a politician and […]
Relationships – Getting Started

By: Karen McCauley Relationship always implies some kind of exchange – minimally an exchange of air and in many cases emotions, fluids, and other substances. Folk traditions and wives’ tales abound here, some seemingly well-grounded in reality as we know it. Regardless of the exchange involved, certain issues always merit analysis when we are asked […]
The Use of Jaimini Astrology to Determine Spiritual Tendencies in a Chart

By: Gary Gomes Jaimini Astrology has become the second most widely used Vedic Astrology system in use in the Western world, thanks largely to the efforts of Mr. K. N. Rao, P. S. Sastri and others to explain and disseminate this unique astrological system. This article will illustrate the use of Jaimini astrology for analyzing […]