Business Management

How to Create a Budget for Your Small (Holistic) Business

Let’s face it, unless you are independently wealthy, if you want to sustain yourself as a holistic, astrological business owner, you have to earn money. Unfortunately, many holistic business owners shy away from financial discussions. In this article, we’re breaking the taboo.

Essential Elements of a Holistic Business Plan

A few months ago I heard a holistic practitioner arguing that a business plan is a waste of time. If you don’t need to make money from your business, that’s probably true. But, if you need to earn a living, business planning is one of the most essential ingredients for your success. A business plan […]

5 Steps to Keep Your Computer Running Smoothly

Just like people need to eat and bathe and brush their teeth to stay clean and healthy, your computer needs regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. Below are five steps in a computer cleanup routine. The applications listed below are (almost all) free tools that can be downloaded from CNET, the most respected internet […]

No Buts Allowed: How to Eliminate Clutter and Increase Productivity

We live in a wondrous moment in history. We have more information at our fingertips than our ancestors could ever imagine. But limitless information is also a curse. Too much information leads to indecision, inability to focus and mental numbness. We’ve all seen the symptoms of information overload time and again in our clients and […]

How to Create Your Holistic Market Niche

We know there are millions of customers searching in the holistic marketplace for ideas, products and services to make their lives healthier, more meaningful and purposeful.  Now let’s start to explore how we as holistic practitioners can tap into this marketplace to build successful and prosperous businesses. I’ve recently finished reading “The Law of Success” […]

Three Easy Steps: Creating an Astrological App

By: Julia Purdy & Mark Richardson Julia Purdy, former Kepler College MA student, and Mark Richardson recently released their first astrological applications for mobile devices. This article is about the challenges they faced. How to create an astrology application for mobile devices in three easy steps: Have an idea that you like a lot Write […]

Yes, You Can Be a Successful Professional Astrologer

By: Donna Woodwell At every gathering of astrologers I attend, it seems at some point I hear the same laments: “It’s impossible to make a living as an astrologer.” “No one wants to pay for an astrology reading.” “Astrology will always be on the fringe of society.” Why do we say these things so ourselves? […]