Brussels Attack … and a Lunar Eclipse
In the hours after the brutal attacks on the innocent people in Brussels on March 22, 2016, I have been horrified, much as I was horrified by the attacks on the people of Paris in November 2015. This was, of course, no ‘ordinary’ attack, and was deliberately done to create maximum carnage and fear. Being an astrologer I was of course interested to see exactly what would indicate this. The first attack took place (by currently available reports) in their main airport shortly after 8:00 am local time. The second came approximately one hour later in their subway system. While we do not have the exact minute of the detonation(s), we can come very, very close.
Profile of Alice Bailey (1880-1949)
Exploring Alice Bailey’s life and work was one of the happy surprises of the “Soul” series (from E520C The Recurring and Evolving Soul), and she was the highlight of my presentation “Soul in the Twentieth Century”. She was one of the first modern astrologers who used channeling as a major method of acquiring information.
Untangling Astrology’s Symbols: Pluto and Scorpio, Neptune and Pisces
We have taken Scorpio and Pisces too far out of the realm of everyday life and brought it too close to the extreme and the supernatural, and usually, this is not where people live. There is a gap between what the books tell us about Scorpio and Pisces and the lives of our clients. Most people with prominent Scorpio are not obsessive or focused on death but are self- contained but engaged with life. Most people with prominent Pisces are usually interested in the world around them, even its details, and respond to life in many different ways.
Astrological Speculations Concerning Andreas Lubitz
By: Damiel Giamario Famous figures and important events offer astrologers an irresistible opportunity to find meaning in the chart. But it also raises important questions about our own biases and projections that we need to keep in mind. As Damiel Giamario notes below, millions have “Saturn complexes” but do not show such an extreme response […]
The week of the Paris terrorist attacks: January 2015
By: Edith Hathaway The dramatic week of the terrorist attacks in Paris on the Charlie Hebdo offices and the Kosher grocery store, Jan. 7-15, 2015, closely coincided with eight days during which Mercury and Venus were in a Planetary War, with Venus (planet of politics) winning over Mercury (planet of speech) due to its superior […]
Pluto’s Contagion in Robin William’s Natal Chart
By: Walter Cambra The challenges facing comedian Robin William’s which ended in his recent death by suicide has a reflection in his natal chart. Robin Williams was born on July 21, 1951 at 1:34 pm CST in Chicago, IL.[1] His chart shows a plethora of hard aspects and difficult configurations. The Scorpio ascendant squares Pluto […]
Rectification against all odds: A Vedic Astrologer looks at Vladimir Putin’s Chart
By: Lynn Bootes Rectification of a birth horoscope is the process of using the birth chart and astrological timing methods to test and clarify the true birth time of an individual. Since it might well be considered the Mount Everest or Holy Grail of astrological exercises: very challenging, fraught with errors, a low likelihood of […]
The Elusive Jane Austen
By: Walter Cambra The natal chart for British writer Jane Austen shows Virgo (intellect and analysis) rising at the ascendant making Mercury (planet of the mind) her ascendant sign ruler and overall chart ruler (Astrodatabank). Ms. Austen’s sign-signature is Gemini (mutable-air) which is also ruled by Mercury. Her sign-signature’s mutable “quality” as well as her […]
Profile: Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
By: Joseph Crane Earlier this summer Nelson Mandela was hospitalized, was repeatedly placed in critical condition, and released from his hospital to go home. No news for month. Then, as the world found out quickly, on Thursday December 5 he finally departed from this life. International media was well prepared for his death, and the […]
A Research Project: Forces At Work: Astrology And Career by Amy Shapiro (212 pages)
Kepler is highlighting astrological research throughout the month of September. Amy Shapiro has published the results of her research on careers and astrology in her new book Forces At Work. This book is for students and practitioners who want to look at parallels between Astrology and Career Development. Based on an original Career Survey conducted between […]