A Research Project: Forces At Work: Astrology And Career by Amy Shapiro (212 pages)

A Research Project: Forces At Work: Astrology And Career by Amy Shapiro (212 pages)

Kepler is highlighting astrological research throughout the month of September. Amy Shapiro has published the results of her research on careers and astrology in her new book Forces At Work. This book is for students and practitioners who want to look at parallels between Astrology and Career Development.  Based on an original Career Survey conducted between 1990-92, and a follow-up in 2012-13, cases show the arcs of people’s careers and subtle forces that guided their choices, correlated to their charts.  The findings are a long-term study of cosmic and psycho-dynamic links between Astrology and Career Theory with over 80 natal chart observations.  Chapter 2, Geocosmic Career Indicators, surveys ancient-to-modern Astro-Career Theories with insights by Austrian Astrologer, Dr. Oskar Adler, a fresh look at the Gauquelin Sectors, Part of Fortune, Asteroids, Chiron, Ceres and Eris, with cases of famous people’s charts with a prominent Eris: Sigmund Freud, Arnold Schoenberg, Joan Baez, Princess Diana, Steve Jobs and John Stewart.  In each, Eris serves the role of ‘Provocateur’ as a catalyst for evolutionary forces. In a special Resources section, Kepler College is recognized as a resource for Astrologers. Chapters 3 to 6 group 58 cases by their Sun/Moon/Horizon relation, and a chapter on Career Counseling gives practical advice to help your clients with career decisions.

In the Foreword, Economist, Ed Kaznocha writes: Aptitude tests and counseling help us to gain insight, yet do not touch on our inner, hard-to-express wants and needs. As Amy describes: ‘Forces at Work combines self-perception, motivation, astrology and career theory in the interplay of visible and invisible realms.’  Her research and this book achieve what no economic or statistical study can do.” 


Forces At Work: Astrology and Career