Are You Writing for Astrologers or Astrology Clients?
Astrologers have different strengths and talents in our personal toolboxes. Some of us are researchers, others are expert coaches, counselors, and therapists, still others are philosophers and spiritualists, and some indeed are writers and published authors. Not everyone has the ability and skill to write proficiently, but writing and blogging has become increasingly important as a marketing tool in a successful astrology business.
The Astrologer’s Business Plan: Progressing Goals with Kepler College
At Kepler Astrological College students are asked, “What led you to astrology?” For me, it’s that it works so well and confirms my intuition. Still, transitioning from astrology student to professional takes a leap of faith. At Kepler, I observed working astrologers, tested a variety of techniques, and attained certification from the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) with the equivalency program.
Using Free Speech Recognition Software to Create Documents
I’m always on the lookout for ways to make my work life more efficient. Since I’ve recently started on a research project, I’ve wondered how I can make my note taking easier. This led me on a journey into the world of speech recognition software. While investigating my options, I discovered that Windows 7 and […]