Big Picture: Know your Audience

You don’t need to have a marketing degree to run your emerging business successfully, or at least, set it up well. I would like to share with you some marketing tips that were proven to be successful for me and my growing astrological practice.
Are You Writing for Astrologers or Astrology Clients?

Astrologers have different strengths and talents in our personal toolboxes. Some of us are researchers, others are expert coaches, counselors, and therapists, still others are philosophers and spiritualists, and some indeed are writers and published authors. Not everyone has the ability and skill to write proficiently, but writing and blogging has become increasingly important as a marketing tool in a successful astrology business.
The Astrologer’s Business Plan: Progressing Goals with Kepler College

At Kepler Astrological College students are asked, “What led you to astrology?” For me, it’s that it works so well and confirms my intuition. Still, transitioning from astrology student to professional takes a leap of faith. At Kepler, I observed working astrologers, tested a variety of techniques, and attained certification from the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) with the equivalency program.
Keeping in Touch with Mailing Lists

As you build an astrology business (or an astrology group), there comes a point where just using Facebook or other social media isn’t enough and neither is your personal email. Newsletters can help keep your clients informed and provide a way of reaching others. But before you follow down that path, you want to find […]
Using Zoominfo to Manage Your Internet Image

I admit it, I was doing a little ego surfing a few weeks ago to see how my own internet marketing efforts were paying off. A few pages into my search I started finding errors associated with me (Apparently I’m a geneticist – I never knew I served on the National Council for Genome Research!) […]
Using an RSS Feed to Save Time

Who has time to visit dozens of websites every day to check on the latest articles that interest you? Fortunately, with RSS, you don’t have to. RSS stands for Really Simply Syndication. By signing up to receive the RSS feed from a website, when new content from that website is produced, it will be delivered […]
How to Create Your Holistic Market Niche

We know there are millions of customers searching in the holistic marketplace for ideas, products and services to make their lives healthier, more meaningful and purposeful. Now let’s start to explore how we as holistic practitioners can tap into this marketplace to build successful and prosperous businesses. I’ve recently finished reading “The Law of Success” […]
Seeking the Seekers – Discovering the New Age Marketplace

A few weeks ago I attended a social gathering of holistic practitioners. The conversation drifted (as it often does in such groups) to how to “get more clients” and make a sustainable living. My companions were compassionate souls who truly want to make a difference in the world. But as I listened, I could hear […]
Three Easy Steps: Creating an Astrological App

By: Julia Purdy & Mark Richardson Julia Purdy, former Kepler College MA student, and Mark Richardson recently released their first astrological applications for mobile devices. This article is about the challenges they faced. How to create an astrology application for mobile devices in three easy steps: Have an idea that you like a lot Write […]