Andrew Ifandis is an astrologer who has chosen Kepler College to expand his astrological knowledge and professional development.
Andrew Ifandis has recently written an acclaimed analysis (including key transits, progressions and solar arcs) of the astrological chart of Ingmar Bergman, the renowned Swedish director which has been published in the July-August 2016 issue of the Astrological Journal and at the same time re-published with author permission on and (You can read a copy by clicking here.)
Kepler: Andrew can you please tell us your approach to the analysis of Bergman’s chart?
My intention was to present a comprehensive analysis of Ingmar Bergman’s natal chart.
From an astrological point of view his chart is extremely interesting and showcases complex psychological themes and personality traits, which I supported in my analysis with various bio or scholar references.
In my delineation, I guide the reader to a gradual unfolding of his chart, providing the astrological indications for his intuition, sensitivity, memory, attachment to childhood and other key personality characteristics.
His theatrical and cinematic prolificness, passion for life, five marriages, numerous secret lovers, the fact that he had 9 children, and his success are analysed in terms of natal aspects and planet placement and dignities. Bio facts are interwoven to the narrative to keep up reader’s interest. Multi-faceted behaviour of the same planet or aspect is given where appropriate and delineation proceeds to more psychological analysis such as fears or existentialist motifs.
“Persona”, his seminal work that 50 years after its release, is still considered to be probably the most important work of modern art, is explained as an archetypal expression of his psyche and shown in my analysis. I end up by stressing that his chart is characteristic of how a person can work on the dynamic aspects of his chart and exploit their dynamic in combination with the easy ones.
The article concludes with a section of key transits, progressions and solar arcs for three key periods of Ingmar’s Bergman life (first script, first marriage and filming of Persona).”
Kepler: What is that you deem to be the most valuable asset of Kepler College for anyone who wants to expand his astrological skills?
Kepler is an excellent place where astrology thinking can thrive. The subjects are organized in thematic courses that allow for a gradual build up of knowledge and skills building whether you are a beginner or an advanced professional.
Kepler’s courses cover the whole spectrum of astrological methods, techniques and applications that Astrology may have.
What I consider to be most important is that Kepler instructors present all different views on a subject, even if there exist controversies or alternative viewpoints on a matter and by doing so encourage critical thinking and informed choices.
When I decided to formalize my many years experience on Astrology and to obtain a renowned qualification I decided on Kepler because I was really impressed exactly by this approach to the subjects.
Kepler: How do you think that an ongoing education at Kepler will benefit your astrological work?
As any astrologer would tell you, the field of Astrology is vast and there are many paths to chose. I am a modern astrologer and I would want to delve deeper into many subjects, traditional and horary astrology included. Kepler’s methodical, broad and in depth programs and webinars can substantially assist an astrologer’s journey and offer opportunities to take the next step in his Astrological career.
Kepler: Do you feel that your involvement with Kepler has contributed to getting your article published?
Being in Kepler, is to be in the Mecca of Astrology. Being exposed to the thinking and approaches of such esteemed astrologers, seeing and discussing their different astrological perspectives and having the chance to have your work being discussed with such experienced instructors is a great advantage.
The positive feedback on my writing style that everyone in Kepler has given and the inspiration I took from Kepler has contributed a lot to getting my article published.
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