Contemporary Vedic Astrology – PARASARI
We often refer to Indian Astrology (Vedic or Jyotish) as if it were a monolith. But just as in Western astrology, there are mutltiple schools of thought. The predominant form of astrology practiced in India and is the most prevalent form by far that is practiced in the United States is PARASARI Astrology. The major […]
The Ancient History of Kerala
By: Kari Hartnett In Kepler’s previous academic program, students students compared the Vedic and Western traditions for Horary and Electional astrology. Kerri Hartnett wrote the following in response to an assignment from faculty member Gary Gomes regarding the Vedic tradition. Many of Prasnas’s most revered texts originated from the Kerala region of India. This article […]
Introduction to Vedic Astrology
By: Gary Gomes The following is an excerpt from an introduction to Jyotish. History of Jyotish Sidereal Zodiac/Chart Formats/Indian Mythology Introductory Background: I welcome you to Vedic or Hindu Astrology. You will find many similarities to the astrology you know and even more to Hellenistic Astrology if you encounter that fascinating area of study. Jyotisha […]