Lunar Nodes, Rahu (North Node) and Ketu (South Node)’s Transits and their Effects on the Zodiac Signs
Vedic astrology (also referred to as Jyotish or Indian Astrology) uses the lunar nodes in a different manner than the Western tradition. Turkish astrologer, Senay Yangel, offers an example of how the transiting nodes could be interpreted. The sign refers to the sign on the first house. The houses are where the current transiting nodes (Nov 2017) will be found based on the Indian sidereal zodiac.
Bringing Alexander Hamilton to Life
Alexander Hamilton was one of the American Founding Fathers and a close senior aide to General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. As Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury, he founded the nation’s financial system and pushed for a strong central government. Considered one of the most influential interpreters and promoters of the Constitution, he also founded the first American political party (the Federalist Party), the U.S. Coast Guard and The New York Post newspaper.
Ottoman Talismanic Shirts and the Yantras of Vedic Astrology
I have conducted many studies on the importance that the Ottoman Sultans placed on astrology. My research into and admiration for the Münecimbashi system of astrology that spanned from the 14th century up to the late 18th century drew my attention to a correlation between Ottoman Talismanic Shirts and the Yantras of Vedic Astrology. At a critical stage in my research, I realized the same method of calculation was used in constructing both the Talismanic Shirts and the Yantras.
Vedic Astrology and Spiritual Life
By: Gary Gomes We will start discussing this topic by going back to the roots of Jyotisha-not in the Jyotisha texts themselves, but In related thought and other important texts. Vedic Astrology, or Jyotisha is considered one of the Vedangas or “limbs” of the Vedas. As a matter of fact, it is considered the “eye” […]
The week of the Paris terrorist attacks: January 2015
By: Edith Hathaway The dramatic week of the terrorist attacks in Paris on the Charlie Hebdo offices and the Kosher grocery store, Jan. 7-15, 2015, closely coincided with eight days during which Mercury and Venus were in a Planetary War, with Venus (planet of politics) winning over Mercury (planet of speech) due to its superior […]
The Hindu Concept of Soul – Part 2: What is the Soul?
By: Gary Gomes The conception of the soul in Hindu belief is really relevant in connection with God, or Brahman (otherwise known as the reality—the state in which all reality exists). The two principle beliefs are that we are connected to Brahman and have always been connected to Brahman, but simply have forgotten, either because […]
The Hindu Concept of Soul – Part 1
By: Gary Gomes First of all, it is important to identify Hinduism as a set of religions and beliefs rather than as set orthodox system of beliefs. The current division of sects dates back to the days of Adi Sankara, who organized the Smartist Sect of the Sanatana Dharma, the correct term for Hinduism (also […]
Rectification against all odds: A Vedic Astrologer looks at Vladimir Putin’s Chart
By: Lynn Bootes Rectification of a birth horoscope is the process of using the birth chart and astrological timing methods to test and clarify the true birth time of an individual. Since it might well be considered the Mount Everest or Holy Grail of astrological exercises: very challenging, fraught with errors, a low likelihood of […]
Mary Shelley – A Vedic View
By: Gordon Brennan The chart below is of Mary Shelley. The box at top right in the diagram is Gemini, her ascendant, and the signs of the zodiac and 12 houses run clockwise from there. In 1797 when Mary Shelley was born the difference in planetary positions between Western and Vedic Astrology was 21 […]
The Use of Jaimini Astrology to Determine Spiritual Tendencies in a Chart
By: Gary Gomes Jaimini Astrology has become the second most widely used Vedic Astrology system in use in the Western world, thanks largely to the efforts of Mr. K. N. Rao, P. S. Sastri and others to explain and disseminate this unique astrological system. This article will illustrate the use of Jaimini astrology for analyzing […]