Contemporary Astrology and Archetypal Motifs: The Whole-System Approach

Increasing numbers of people now are using astrology to better understand themselves and their relationships, their place in the world, their deep inner self and their ancestral legacy through family dynamics. Typically, a client does want to maximize their potential and realize their goals, but most importantly, they want to know what is going to happen to them and when. To what degree can astrology address these natural concerns?
Ancient psyche-therapies for modern minds

If you believe psychology is a merely a modern invention of a narcissistic age, you haven’t been paying attention. While the “scientific” study of psychology in a laboratory may be a relatively modern notion, (re)invented by researchers in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the study of the mind has ancient roots in all human cultures.
Philosophy as a Way of Life

By: Donna Woodwell By outward appearances, Neo lived an unremarkable life. He slept, ate, went to work. Yet a nagging feeling something was not as it appeared persisted. His search led him to take the red pill, and wake up to a more-real reality he never before imagined. Nice plot for the sci-fi hit movie […]
Introduction to Plato and Aristotle for Astrologers

By Robert Hand, MA Plato, Especially with Respect to Astrology. We first see evidence of applications of philosophical principles that could be relevant to astrology in the writings of Plato (.428 – .327 BCE). We may also see them in the fragments left by the Pythagoreans, but recent scholarly work has questioned the antiquity of […]
Francis Bacon: The Natural Philosopher

By: Stephanie Soibelman Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an English Natural Philosopher who used inductive reasoning in attempts to improve the errors made by Aristotle, and is known for advancing the (scientific) method. As Bacon never actually made any experimental discoveries, nor did he have a laboratory to work in, why has he been given the […]