Francis Bacon: The Natural Philosopher

By: Stephanie Soibelman Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an English Natural Philosopher who used inductive reasoning in attempts to improve the errors made by Aristotle, and is known for advancing the (scientific) method. As Bacon never actually made any experimental discoveries, nor did he have a laboratory to work in, why has he been given the […]
Origins of Astrology: The Egyptian Legacy

By: Joanne Conman In his first encyclical letter “Deus Caritas Est” (God is love), Pope Benedict wrote: “Everything has its origin in God’s love, everything is shaped by it, everything is directed towards it.” The equivalent of what Benedict says about what God’s love means to Christians was, for the ancient Egyptians, transformation. If there […]
Introduction to Mesoamerican Astrology

By: Bruce Scofield The “Mayan Calendar” is the popular name for a complex organization of time, number, astronomy, and astrology created and employed by the Maya (and probably some of their predecessors) in ancient Mesoamerica (central and southern Mexico and northern Central America). Archaeologists and historians of Mesoamerican civilization generally refer to this calendar as […]
The Mayan Calendar Explained

By: Bruce Scofield The “Mayan Calendar” is the popular name for a complex organization of time, number, astronomy, and astrology created and employed by the Maya (and probably some of their predecessors) in ancient Mesoamerica (central and southern Mexico and northern Central America). Archaeologists and historians of Mesoamerican civilization generally refer to this calendar as […]
Persia, the Cultural and Religious Crossroads of East and West

By: Carol Tebbs Iran, Ancient Persia, stands as a bridge between East and West, a fact which has not only influenced her religion, but has also made Iran a watershed of history. Western Iran was influenced by Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome, and Eastern Iran was influenced by India and even China since the ancient trade […]
The Foundations of Hindu Sacred Literature

By: Carol Tebbs, MA Over 4000 years ago, nomads sprung from the soil of northeastern Europe and entered the Indus Valley of ancient India. They called themselves Aryans, or noble ones, and the religion they brought with them comprised the first practice of Hinduism. The centerpiece of Aryan religion was a fire sacrifice to the […]
The Ancient History of Kerala

By: Kari Hartnett In Kepler’s previous academic program, students students compared the Vedic and Western traditions for Horary and Electional astrology. Kerri Hartnett wrote the following in response to an assignment from faculty member Gary Gomes regarding the Vedic tradition. Many of Prasnas’s most revered texts originated from the Kerala region of India. This article […]