No Buts Allowed: How to Eliminate Clutter and Increase Productivity

We live in a wondrous moment in history. We have more information at our fingertips than our ancestors could ever imagine. But limitless information is also a curse. Too much information leads to indecision, inability to focus and mental numbness. We’ve all seen the symptoms of information overload time and again in our clients and […]
Using an RSS Feed to Save Time

Who has time to visit dozens of websites every day to check on the latest articles that interest you? Fortunately, with RSS, you don’t have to. RSS stands for Really Simply Syndication. By signing up to receive the RSS feed from a website, when new content from that website is produced, it will be delivered […]
How to Create Your Holistic Market Niche

We know there are millions of customers searching in the holistic marketplace for ideas, products and services to make their lives healthier, more meaningful and purposeful. Now let’s start to explore how we as holistic practitioners can tap into this marketplace to build successful and prosperous businesses. I’ve recently finished reading “The Law of Success” […]
Seeking the Seekers – Discovering the New Age Marketplace

A few weeks ago I attended a social gathering of holistic practitioners. The conversation drifted (as it often does in such groups) to how to “get more clients” and make a sustainable living. My companions were compassionate souls who truly want to make a difference in the world. But as I listened, I could hear […]
The Medievel Astrologer’s Traveling Tables

Today you may carry a smart phone to help you calculate astrological charts while traveling. “For medieval physicians, the mnemic apparatus of choice was what is sometimes today known as a folding almanac or a belt book. There are thought to be just 29 such almanacs that have survived to the present day.” The almanac […]
The Gauquelin Controversy

By: Maria Mateus Kepler MA graduate Maria Mateus has done an excellent job of summarizing the Gauquelin controversy from The Case for Astrology by John Anthony West. “Michel Gauquelin was a graduate in statistics and psychology from the Sorbonne who, together with his wife Francoise, conducted the most significant body of statistical research in astrology […]
The Moon’s Nodes

As we have another eclipse this Sunday, July 11, it seems a good time to consider the Moon’s nodes. Astronomically, the nodes are the points where the Moon’s orbit around the earth intersects the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun (and planets) around the Earth. Whether it is a north or south node is […]
The Invisible Hand and Astrological Theory

“Economists have suffered a collapse in credibility since the global financial crisis began. Faith in the efficiency of markets and the invisible hand is out; ‘behavioral economics,’ which stresses that humans are fundamentally irrational actors, is in. We are blind to risk; we make decisions on a whim; we prefer consuming now over saving for […]
Professionalism in Astrology: 2008 Survey Results

In Kepler’s academic and its certificate program, all graduates must create a demonstration of learning – a final project. I know that it seems like a daunting task that looms at the end of the senior year, the senior project but it need not be. All that is really needed planning and the help of […]
Who Owns our History

Winston Churchill stated that history is written by the victors. But reality is more complex. The history we learned in K-12 was written to teach good examples as well as to give us those facts that are deemed the most important. The history we learn from Hollywood was written to tell a good story. In […]