Donald Trump’s Birth Time Mystery
Prediction is tricky, whether you are an astrologer, an economist or the weatherman. You seek the best data you can find and use methodologies you trust to evaluate that data. In 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump published his birth certificate. But does it really list the correct time? Christine Arens takes us on an astrological detective story as she tries to find
Local Apparent Time (challenges to discovering an accurate birth time)
According to her family records, Maria Antonia Habsburg was born November 2, 1755 at 7:30 p.m. in Vienna, Austria. If a horoscope is cast for these data using 7:30 p.m. Central European Time, it will not produce the right horoscope because clocks in 1755 were not set to that time standard. Central European Time and the other time zones used today were not employed until late in the Nineteenth Century.