What is Happening in Our Sky?
There are a lot of changes in our sky, and you would see the reflection in your life and around you. The planet of good fortune, Jupiter, is leaving Aries and moving luck to Taurus for the next 12 months. Retro-lover Mercury is going its second retro-motion position to confuse our daily life from 22nd April until 18th May. You may see more delays in transport, letters and decisions. It could be a good time the finish reading the book and complete your half-left housework. Sun in Taurus is moving towards rebel Uranus to bring changes to our life. Mars (planet of action), out of bounds until 5th May, will clash with Jupiter (planet of growth) from 10th May until early June. There might be a lot of stretched-level exaggeration and impulsiveness in the air; you may take extra discipline during this period. Venus is out of bounds until 1st June. Expect to see extreme scenes in relationships and financial changes. There will be a Lunar Eclipse on 5th May. Get ready for emotional changes with this eclipse! Taurus’s new Moon happens on 19th May. If you like making new Moon wishes, this is the time for more earthy ones
Aries. Regardless of the coming eclipse on 5th May, you will have a prosperous month ahead with your financial gain. This eclipse may make you question the meaning of life. You may feel more balance when Mars returns to regular orbit. Venus will be out-of-bounds, so you may feel unexpected and unknown territory with your self-esteem or finances. Mercury is at your office; read all the documents before signing until Mercury is direct. Taurus’s new Moon happens at your money and self-esteem house. If you like to make any new moon wishes, it will be wise to concentrate on finances and self-value
Taurus. This is an energising month of the year for Taurians. You will be happy regardless of the eclipse on 5th May. Jupiter happily moves to a new sign for the following year. Keep your dreams high and wish for what you want; when Jupiter makes your Sun stronger. This month, your concern is yourself and how you look and speak. Sun is meeting up with Uranus to make unexpected changes. This eclipse will enlighten your relationships with others and your partners. There might be a great relationship coming up. Taurus’s new Moon happens at your house of defining yourself. Work on any changes you want to make to your appearance.
Gemini.You may not have any important news this month, and you may choose to rest, relax and meditate in coloured parks and do your deep thinking. Jupiter is moving towards your spiritual and artistic area in the middle of the month. You may enjoy listening to music or meeting spiritual people. You may be more actively looking to increase your financial income by having Mars in your finances. Take risks only for what you are willing to lose. The eclipse on 5th May will illuminate your work chores and everyday routine. You may realise what you didn’t notice before. Taurus’s new Moon occurs in your home of unconsciousness. You may choose to wish and define your boundaries with others
Cancer. Your concern moves to your social groups this time. You may like to have some parties at home or outside, and you may meet some eccentric people. Watch out for any misunderstanding in conversations. Don’t let your work-related issues become a burden on you. The eclipse on 5th May happens in your house of creativity, romance and children. You may start a new creative hobby. You may have a romantic relationship out of the blue! If you are about to take any joint financial decision, think before you jump into it. Taurus’s new Moon occurs in your house of friends and hopes. This might be the best time to make a wish for your hopes and dreams for the whole of 2023
Leo. This month is all about the involvement of work and family issues. You might be heading towards some changes at your workplace. If you need to sign a new contract, read it twice; when you send an e-mail, if you don’t receive a response, you may check if the mail reached the right person. It is better to check twice than be sorry later! When Jupiter moves to your house of work, you might get the peak of your career higher than ever expected. The eclipse on 5th May happens at your home and life. This is a reminder for you not to ignore your home life. You might be reminded that with the eclipse. Taurus’s new Moon also happens at your workplace. Consider balancing your work life and home life
Virgo. This month, you may focus on foreign cultures, travelling arrangements and academic studies. You might prepare for the academic exam, but you weren’t successful last time, as Mercury will guide you to finish the unfinished things this time. You may have an unexpected trip to a foreign country or meet people from different cultures. The eclipse on 5th May happens in your house with close neighbours and siblings. You might be reminded to look at your relationships with your siblings. Taurus’s new Moon occurs in your career. If there is anything you would like to achieve at work, this might be an excellent time to work toward your goals and make wishes on this in your life
Libra. You will be looking to regenerate and discover something new in yourself this month. You may seek this discovery thru intense sensual relationships or diving into trying to find the meaning of life. You may have thought this in the past without any conclusion, and Mercury may help you to find your way this time. The eclipse on the 5th may happen in your house of self-money and self-esteem. You may make some financial changes which affect your level of assertiveness. Taurus new Moon occurs in your home of joint finances and sensual relationships. You may make a new Moon wish in this area of life or have a great night in the bedroom with your partner or lover
Scorpio. Your personal relationships and business partners will be your focus during this month. Be careful with communication, as there might be a misunderstanding with the Mercury Retro effect. You may meet a new person to brighten your life. The eclipse takes place at your house of self-image. There might be changes in your look in the days to come. You may experience tension in your daily routine, don’t let this affect your self-esteem. Taurus’s new Moon will happen at your house of partnership and marriage. You may find your answers if you doubt this area of your life. If you don’t have a partner, you can make a new Moon wish
Sagittarius. All your attention will be on your daily routine and work colleagues this month. There may be changes in your daily routine out of your control. Be careful with miscommunication issues with your colleagues. You may receive powerful help from your sibling to change your way. The eclipse on 5th May emerges in the house of your subconscious and spirituality. You may have more dreams to guide your in life or finish the unfinished day issues at sleep. Taurus’s new Moon occurs in the house of health and daily routines. If you are not doing daily sports exercises, you may start now
Capricorn. You are making structural changes at the house of your entertainment and creativity. A new romance might be on the horizon. You will make a sound decision if this is the right romantic relationship. You may restart a hobby from your past hobbies. The eclipse on 5th May takes place in your house of friends and technology. This might be the time to check your computers to see if they need replacing. You may have received an e-mail which was meant for someone else. Taurus new Moon occurs at the house of your romance, creativity and fun. You may wish for a fun, creative, fresh romantic dinner outside if you still need to plan
Aquarius. Your focus and unexpected changes will happen at your home and family. It might be wise to decrease your workload and concentrate on home life. There might be misunderstandings at home. You should come down and listen to each other. You are transforming your image, and this may influence changes at home. The eclipse on 5th May occurs at your career house. You will see if you need to make any changes while the Moon casts light on your work. Taurus’s new Moon takes place at your home and with your family. You may wish for positive changes for yourself and your family at home
Pisces. You may be changing your thought and how you speak during this month. There might be more conversation and discussion with your close neighbours or siblings. There may be some delays in transport until the Mercury turns direct. If you have a necessary appointment, give yourself some extra time. The eclipse happens in your house of higher learning and travel. You may re-evaluate and change your higher education if you are studying or going back to obtain a higher education certificate. Taurus’s new Moon occurs in your house of siblings, communication and close friends. You may spend some time with your siblings or close friends to have a spiritual conversation.