Astro Review Week of June 12, 2023

Aries. This week, you feel invigorated, energized, and ready to conquer anything that stands in your way. An infectious enthusiasm radiates from you that is sure to inspire those around you and your passionate energy is contagious! You might find a sudden windfall midweek; however, you might be compelled to spend it in a meaningless way. Make sure you’re prudent about where you put your money and reap the rewards of your wise decisions.

Taurus. The Moon is guiding you on your journey of transformation as you completing this cycle. You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed due to all the energy in the air. But don’t worry, things will begin to settle down soon. Next new moon is the perfect time for you to start something fresh and new. Use this time to focus on what you want and make sure you stay positive.

Gemini. This is your season to shine! You feel energetic; perfect time to take action and make progress. Don’t let your extra chatty nature get in the way of your productivity. If you feel yourself getting too caught up in gossip or idle chatter, redirect your attention to something useful. You have the potential to make great strides this week with new moon in your sign – don’t let it waste away!

Cancer. This week is a great time to setting your intentions for manifesting career and new financial goals for next moon cycle. If you’re not sure what to do, reach out to your friends midweek and have an inspiring conversation; that could lead to some creative solutions. As the new moon approaches, take a few moments to tune inwards and indulge in a peaceful meditation. Take this opportunity to connect and find inner peace.

Leo. You are feeling inspired and motivated to treat your loved one with something nice. With your creative energy, you will be able to come up with something special that they will love. However, be mindful of how much time and energy you are investing in this endeavor as it could be getting in the way of your work and duty. But sometime it’s ok. Allow yourself to enjoy mindless conversation will refresh your spirit

Virgo. This week is all about focusing on the present and finding joy in the little things. Let go of the need to be perfect all the time. Finding balance is important – make sure to take some time for yourself despite feeling overwhelmed with work. With the moon dimming her light, you may be having difficulty sleeping. Create a new nighttime routine that helps you relax and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Libra. The stars are aligning in your favor, providing you a wonderful opportunity to take stock of your relationships and connections with others. Take some time out to truly reflect on who is a true friend, who supports you no matter what, and who might be two-faced or untrustworthy. Set an intention for next moon cycle to foster meaningful and supportive connections with people that add value to your life.

Scorpio. You have the potential to make some major changes in your life. This is a time for you to focus on transformation and personal growth. Midweek, you may find yourself in the company of an interesting person you have been waiting to meet. Trust your instincts and be open to new possibilities. This new moon is the perfect time to take charge of your destiny and manifest the life that you desire.

Sagittarius. You are usually independent and prefer to blaze your own trail, but this week it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and collaborate with others. Letting go of some control and listening to others’ opinions can open up a world of possibilities. Go the extra mile for others and you’ll be surprised to see what a difference it makes! This new moon is all about taking action to make a difference

Capricorn. This is a great week to start building a connection with those around you. Your outgoing personality and creative ideas will be noticed and appreciated by those in your community, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and make a mark. A new daily routine or work schedule may also be in the forecast. Overall, this is a week to embrace new opportunities and step into new territory.

Aquarius. You are being summoned to take charge and lead the way in an important endeavor. Step out of your comfort zone and answer the call. Trust that you have the vision and drive to make a positive impact on the collective. Don’t let the daunting amount of work ahead scare you away. Every successful journey starts with a single step, so confidently and boldly take that initial stride with courage and determination.

Pisces. This week is all about creativity and shining your light. You may be feeling like nothing you do is going to amount to anything, but that’s not true. The New Moon encourages you to connect with ideas and creativity within you. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things – you never know what amazing opportunities might come your way! Focus on your passions and explore new ways of expressing yourself.

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