Astro Review Week of April 24, 2023


As with last week’s new start, this week’s actions continue to affect the long-term trajectory your life. Your specific focus can drive the direction forward so take advantage of this opportunity. Potential for change is high, along with the required energy, and obstinacy and potential blow-ups from last week may have consequences this week. Look at areas where you may be exaggerating and continue to manage forceful energies as your life moves forward.

Aries.  Get the sorting bins ready. You may be focused on things at home that support a new start (organizing for later trade). After a perhaps dreamy start, the week turns businesslike—self-assertive, serious-minded yet caring and specifically focused on what comes next. You may receive sympathetic understanding, yet still regret (see if it’s overblown) actions toward an affiliation. Friday, and through the weekend, irritation or restlessness concerning the home and possessions may raise work conversations.

Taurus.   A sense of authenticity and putting who you are “out there” takes the stage this week. You may be more reflective than communicative, however. By mid-week, a self-assertive and serious-minded yet caring attitude towards affiliations may also have you considering what comes next. Deep sympathy, possibly concerning income, may be followed by regret over something said (check exaggeration). Starting Friday, irritation or restlessness may accompany reflection over income and creative ventures.

Gemini.  Wherever you participate in a service-oriented manner, the intensity may increase this week. A serious, business-like, yet caring approach, both tied in to areas of public visibility and income, supports that while humanitarian or philosophical matters challenge it. You may be sympathetic to an affiliation but activity related to possessions or income may cause regret with a group. Seemingly subversive influences that arise in service-oriented work may have ties originating from income matters.

Cancer.  Your trajectory regarding affiliations or groups makes progress with the combination of sustained higher learning and your specific focus. Mid-week, a serious, yet caring, approach to learning further supports your progress. Changes in deeply held humanitarian urges may challenge progress, the resultant energy release perhaps resulting in exhaustion. Slowdowns or miscommunications with an affiliation may somehow connect with self-protection. Service-oriented sympathies may support reputation if self-protective urges cause damage and regret.

Leo.  Long term reputation may be affected this week from both your own specific focus on it and sustained work with possible minimal resources from partners. Service-oriented work may affect reputation. And pressures of change from a partner concerning humanitarian activity possibly challenge reputation long term. A serious, caring tone that considers others’ values will affect reputation positively. An affiliation may assist in a situation where possible mishandling of service-oriented work results in a lesson learned.

Virgo.  Your trajectory in higher learning furthers this week partly from specific focus but also from ongoing work in a partnership. Routine matters related to humanitarian concerns may have brought challenges, requiring tremendous energy to assimilate transformation from routine matters—this is a luck-bearing activity. A glowing reputation may ease discomfort raised by self-protective activity concerning an affiliation. Entering the weekend, possible irritation between publishing or higher learning ventures and affiliations may exist.

Libra.  Perhaps you are investing a lot of yourself into turning around a venture or romance; potential for tremendous change exists, possibly transforming you deeply in return. Mid-week, serious, yet caring attitude support your deeply intense focus on ventures and you may experience an internal shift or sense of renewal. A sympathetic partner may boost your learning. Additionally, a publicly seen action may cause regret. Entering the weekend, irritation and restlessness may arise concerning reputation.

Scorpio.  A focus on partnerships, with efforts toward stability or longevity, strongly affects your trajectory and may effect major changes around the home, especially around mid-week. Your magnetic appeal may attract sympathy, while something you learned (or realized) may raise regret in the day-to-day routine. Communications with partners may seem slow, however, and lessons learned may accompany delayed implementation, all of this fostering a sense of restlessness or irritation, especially entering the weekend.

Sagittarius.  Your focus on the day-to-day routine affects its trajectory in a stable, ongoing manner. Possibly, it required (and may still), powerful communications to achieve change which would be supported by the serious, caring tone leading to mid-week. A sympathetic partner may support a romance or venture but repressed, intense and projected energies may raise regret. Repressed energies may factor into a slowed routine, cause irritation or lead to upset about the workplace, entering the weekend.

Capricorn.   Specific focus on ventures or romance solidifies progress this week, assisted by stable, ongoing communications. Perhaps finances challenged change (and may still) but ongoing businesslike, serious and caring tones may assist continued support. Partnerships may be affected by slowing in ventures. Sympathy may arise from the workplace but activity regarding partnership may raise regret, both regarding the home. As you enter the weekend, restlessness or anxiety may affect creative ventures or romance.

Aquarius.   Things regarding the home or personal needs make progress this week, assisted by stability and care given to finances, along with concerted focus. You may, however, have exerted much energy to achieve stability, accompanied by a sheer no-holds-barred desire to transform. A slowdown concerning the home may affect workplace energies. A romantic partner may sympathize but activity in the workplace may raise regret. Leading into the weekend, restlessness or anxiety may arise concerning the workplace.

Pisces.  Progress with communications, siblings or the neighborhood may occur this week—sustained effort and this week’s specific focus supports this. Service-oriented work in a humanitarian effort may have challenged communications in the past, possibly affecting the forward trajectory. Communications slowdowns may affect ventures. Home provides a added sense of wellbeing this week but an angry outburst regarding creative or romantic activity may lead to regret. Over the weekend, restlessness or irritability may affect romance.

Chart your Course in Astrology today.